Saturday, October 16, 2010

10/16/2010 Time For An Update...

It's been a while since I've given an update... so here goes.  

Sidney is doing well in pre-school for age ummm.. 3.    Progress note on Friday told us she is doing S in all categories.   She needs to improve her skills of putting on a sweater.   I don't think Sidney knows what a sweater is... we just put it on her this week when the temp went below 60!  

Avery Jackson...  he is all boy!   And is learning quick from his older sister.  Though he has his feelings right there on the edge.   His latest funny is with Grandpa Clarke.   Grandpa Clarke can't hear the TV.  Especially when the family comes to visit.  So we got him some headphones that connect to the TV.   Sometimes when we are there he'll sneak in the living room... put on his headphones and we don't hear a peep from him unless we need him.   The other day.. Avery was talking to Grandpa Clarke.  But Grandpa Clarke had his headphones on.  Grandma Janet finally went over to Grandpa Clarke telling him that Avery had something to say to him.   Grandpa Clarke gave Avery a few minutes to mumble out what he was trying to say.  Right now it's jibberish but he wanted to say it and even more importantly for Grandpa to hear it!   So Grandma Janet showed Avery that when he needs Grandpa's attention to just hit his leg.   Now everytime Grandpa Clarke puts the headphones on... Avery runs over to him and slaps him!  It's pretty comical at the Clarke's house.

Amy...  she is doing well!   Work Work Work.. is all that she is about at the moment.  She is training one of the midwives this month and her call schedule is funky this month.   But this too shall pass!

Me?   I have new digs!   Starting October 25th.. I will be a UNIT SECRETARY for Labor & Delivery at St. Lukes Hospital.  You know the one that Amy works out of.   We look forward to this move because I need to be off on the weekends now that the kids are older.   I also want to get involved in our new church!
I want to meet new people and make friends!   The new job also comes better hours working 3 nights for 12 hours.   I can still be a stay-at -dad! 

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