Monday, August 23, 2010

08/23/2010 Sidney's First Day of Preschool

Sidney had a great time at school today.  Her teacher said she did fine and was a great help in her classroom.
She looks forward to returning to class on Wednesday.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Amy's mom and dad took the kids and Amy to Galveston, TX to visit with Aunt Lee Ann for the weekend.
Avery spiked a fever throughout most of the weekend but the kids were able to still enjoy the beach.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.


What an unusual summer we have had here in San Antonio!  It is August and it has really just now started getting hot.   The kids go back to school on Monday and the high is 103.  This is FALL?  We've had no rain since July 27th.  But rain in the hill country has kept our water aquifers filled for drinking water and sprinklers.   Even the weather people here are shaking their heads.   They say we are getting a cold front next Friday... HIGH 93.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

08/18/2010 Cover Up The LEDS In Your Life

We are now living in a world full of LEDS.   You buy a DVD Player and for whatever reason the light has to stay on to tell you it is in standby mode.   The baby monitors light up red or green depending on what noise levels they are detecting.   Each smoke detector in every room has a faint green light indicator.   The cordless telephone has a red or amber light just to let you know the phone is being charged.   If you have a security alarm most likely this control panel is in your master bedroom and it too gives off a green glow.  The cable box on the TV stand has a green indicator for connection... a red light for recording.. and a blue light for HD.  Then the alarm clock gives off it's green or red glow just to announce the time when you look at it.  I bought a small floor fan for the side of my bed... and it too has LEDS on the top to tell you the wind speed and temp settings.

I've taken control over the LEDS in my life.   And my secret weapon of choice was BLACK ELECTRICAL TAPE!   Cut off just the amount you need to cover up the LEDS.   You can block out almost 80% of all the night lights in your life and get better sleep at night.

08/18/2010 Our Freezer Got Unplugged...

Last week Amy was cutting the grass in the afternoon... I was watching the kids when I noticed the mower was not running anymore.   I opened the door and Amy yelled from the driveway..." I owe you an extension cord..."   She had cut it with the lawn edger.   I immediately checked the fuse box and told Amy I was shocked to see that she didn't blow any fuses.

Last night we were at the gym.   Amy asked me what I wanted for supper... and I told her we had pizza in the freezer.   When we got home I opened the freezer to notice everything in the freezer was spoiled.. and the smell was worse than anything I had ever smelled.   I sent Amy to the store.. put a DVD on for the kids and then I washed the freezer out!  

Nothing in this world can resemble the smell of rotting meat with decaying strawberries.

After leaving the freezer open all night and letting baking soda do it's magic.   We woke this morning to a fresher garage closing the freezer to let it prepare for storing our future meals.  

The freezer was still plugged into the wall socket.. however the wall socket has a fuse on the socket.   Once I found the spoiled food I noticed the light turned on where the plug goes into the socket.   I pushed in that button the light went off and the compressor on the freezer turned on.

I told Amy... we've been through a lot.. but we have never been through a freezer melt down before.   Frankly I don't want to do that again!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

08/06/2010 Sidney's Funny

Sidney was eating supper with Grandma and Grandpa Clarke tonight. Sidney got up from the table telling Grandma Clarke that she was going to throw up. Grandma Clarke jumped up quick telling Sidney to stay on the tile... Sidney then let out a burp... told grandma that she felt better and continued eating.