Saturday, September 3, 2011

09/03/2011 Kiddie Park

We were looking for family adventure today.  We found Kiddie Park in downtown San Antonio.   $12 unlimited rides was a great way to spend a Saturday.   Avery and Sidney even rode a Ferris Wheel!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

  Sometimes when Amy is working at night Sidney will ask to sleep with me.  Amy, who wants this trend to end, was at work last night.  Sidney asks me if she could sleep in the bed with me.  I told her no, not tonight, mommy will be coming home.  She looks at me with this disappointed look and says, "BUMMER."
Happy Birthday Sidney!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Kansas Trip Continues...

Luke sleeping... well like a baby.

Aunt Karen!

Avery got a new tractor... Thank you Great Grandpa Husted!

Amy being Amy

Janet's Birthday!

Great Uncle Roger

Avery gets to swim!

Swimming lessons


Sidney learned better with Aunt Karen!

Grandpa Dick and Luke

I think she is embarrased!